Provide the resources and capabilities necessary to bring the Night Lovell music video for “Alone” to life. Work closely with the creative team and Lovell to ensure that the psychologically chilling atmosphere & vision for the music video is achieved.
Worked diligently alongside Lovell and the creative team to ensure that the unnerving and understated atmosphere of the world in the music video was achieved. Hired a skilled camera and specialized lighting crew to achieve the highly technical shot angles and movements envisioned by the Director. Provided the necessary organizational and production management support for crew and cast. Delivered a music video that went above and beyond client expectations within the agreed upon timeline.
2 weeks
1 day
4 weeks
Number of Cameras:
Canon Optimo
Shot In:
16mm film
Shot With:
Arri SR3
We are always looking for new and exciting projects to work on. If you have a project you would like to discuss, please get in touch.