Facilitate a music video and art shoot for an album cover as part of the rebranding for the musical artist, Lael. Capture Lael’s vision of a butterfly awakening from its cocoon as a metaphor for her rebirth for the album cover and as the visual centre piece of the music video. Fulfull the director’s desire to push the limits by shooting the video in one shot.
Hired a highly experienced art team to craft a custom Latex Cocoon. Brought in thirteen cubic feet of dirt into the studio to aid in the creation of an enchantingly ominous, barren and alien world as the setting for the music video. Utilized cool colouring to build on the grungy, cold aestheticism. Loaded the crew with skilled grips to operate a dolly and crane and accomplished filming the music video in one shot.
2 weeks
1 day
3 weeks
Number of Cameras:
Fuji 18-85mm premier
Shot In:
Shot With:
Alexa Mini
We are always looking for new and exciting projects to work on. If you have a project you would like to discuss, please get in touch.